Continue to Read bible & Act out Jesus' faith/sincerity/honesty & sacrificial love for others&humility&peace&patience&kindness&mercy&forgiving&generosity&compassion & 0 covet for pleasure&money to enjoy infinite bliss & love forever.
Think like Jesus=think God's needs&ideas&spirits all the time=how to remove all pain/death & make all happy/healthy forever.
Revelations on God/Soul/Heaven/Hell is at
get 5% labor discount for each of your JESUS like act as in the following
- Jesus wash feet of his disciples. John 13:2–17
- "When the Lord saw her, his heart was filled with pity for her", then he brought her dead son back to life=>Act out compassion Luke 7:11-17
- Jesus forgave adulterous woman. John 8:1-11
- Without any income&wife&kids, Jesus visited each household & spreaded Gospel for free.
1. Even Jesus can turn stone to bread, but he stay hungry during fasting. 2. Don't test God/parents/anybody under peer pressure to show off oneself. 3. Reject/no desire for worldly kingdom/power/money/honor/fame. Matthew 4:1-11
- Settle disagreements & disputes respectfully & directly with each other without attorneys & judges & courts.Matthew 5:21
- No lust for anyone who is not your spouse.Matthew 5:27
- No divorce unless your spouse has affairs. Matthew 5:31
- Don't swear. Matthew 5:33
- Repay evil with kindness. Matthew 5:38
- Love your enemies & wish them good luck & blessings. Matthew 5:43
- Give to the needy without telling anyone. Matthew 6:1
- Don't work for money & mastered by money. Matthew 6:19
- Do Not Worry on losses/diseases/etc. Matthew 6:25
- Don't judge/discriminate with your own standards/rules, ex. don't fire a worker because he made an error. Matthew 7:1
- seek/pray to God & Truth alone. Matthew 7:7
- Heal diseased for free. Matthew 8:1
- No home & not occupied with personal pleasures but God's mission. Matthew 8:18
- 100% rely on God to calm storm/heal mentally ill/every disease&resurrect dead & etc. Matthew 8:23,13:31 & 14
- Spread gospel to everyone,gospel=Imitate Jesus to gain eternal life in heaven. Matthew 10
- Aid & support disciples. Matthew 10:40
- Be gentle and humble. Matthew 11:28
- Love triumph laws/rules=ex: Sabbath. Matthew 12
- Heal diseased without bragging self, not a talker but a doer. Matthew 12:15
- Only do God's will not money's nor self's. Matthew 12:48
- Yield many sweet fruits for God=sacrifice self to save many men into heaven. Matthew 12:22
- Faithful & Humble for life. Matthew 15:21
- Don't arrogantly & faithlessly demand a sign from God. Matthew 16
- Pay taxes as asked. Matthew 17:24
- Don't turn anyone away from God. Matthew 18:6
- Be merciful & Forgiving. Matthew 18:21
- Stay single & not after woman & sex/anything but occupied with God's mission. Matthew 19:1
- Don't get rich or u will give up heaven for wealth. Matthew 19:21
- Act out faith not just talk of faith. Matthew 21:28
- Hypocrites=deeds don't match words will be crushed because they cause people to stumble.Matthew 21:43
- Be perfect & ready for the end of world always. Matthew 22&25
- Be truly humble! 7 woes to honored distinguished famous speakers/leaders/teachers/etc. Matthew 23
- Defencelessly surrender to arrest/beatings/insults/nailing on cross. Matthew 26&27