Request for Estimate or Ask Jorge a Question

To save your time from driving to our garage. When you call us for estimate, please use video call(duo,whatsapp) to demonstrate the problems, we can also guide you to move your phone camera to areas that we need information of.But it is not possible to get all the information by video, in that case, you have to drive to us to get estimate and etc. But try use video/photos/translations at your fingertips to save time & money. 索要估价时,为节省你开到店里的时间/油钱,尽量用视屏,相片,翻译等展示问题的细节。 919-697-2641

Email with videos/pictures, Make/Model/Year/VIN/Your Phone and DETAILED description of the problem instead of filling out this form, the hosting service maybe down and your form may never get to him. After your email, you can text him at 919-697-2641 to alert him.

If you already have estimates from other shops, please show it to us, we will beat that price for the same work, we may diagnose or fix your problem differently though.

We love to give u a free estimate if it takes us LESS THAN 10 minutes, if need Jorge to dissemble & call suppliers, please pay 50$ if 10-30min, 100$ if 30-60min, Jorge work for money/living, can't afford to work for free all day long, please generously love.
Stand in Jorge's shoes, do u like to work for free?
If u generously love strangers u will be loved back generously by your creator!

Please drive by 3309 old chapel hill rd. durham, NC 27707 to let Jorge check your car out.